Introducing Devoted Health's Medicare Advantage Plans
2024 | Sales Presentation
Introducing Devoted Health's Medicare Advantage plans
What we will cover About Devoted Health 1 2 Medicare overview 3 Our Medicare Advantage plans 4 What’s next
About Devoted Health
Why Devoted Health? Our mission is simple. We want to dramatically improve the health and well-being of our members by caring for every person like family.

Why choose Devoted Health? Because you get a Medicare Advantage plan that gives you everything you need to feel your best. 1 Benefits you'll actually use. Our plans are designed to give you all the benefits you need. They include medical, plus lots of extras like dental, money for over-the-counter items, and more. 2 Real monthly savings. The bonus to having the right benefits? You could save money on your healthcare costs every single month. And your money stays where it belongs—in your wallet. 3 Member loved. Our service makes using your plan a snap. Our members know that when they need help, our U.S.-based team is just a call away.

Medicare overview
Important dates to remember OCT 15 TO DEC 7 JAN 1 TO MAR 31 YEAR ROUND Annual Enrollment Period Medicare Advantage Special Enrollment Open Enrollment Period Period Sign up for a Medicare Advantage Make a one-time change to If you qualify, you may plan, with or without prescription another Medicare Advantage plan change plans outside the drug coverage. or Original Medicare. normal enrollment times. Initial Election Period Your first chance to sign up for Medicare Generally, you have 7 months to sign up. The clock starts 3 months before you turn 65, and ends 3 months after that.

Option 1 – Original Medicare Also known as Parts A and B Part A Part B Hospital Insurance Medical Insurance Helps cover the big stuff like: Helps cover routine care and medically • Inpatient hospital stays necessary services like: • Critical access hospitals • Doctor visits and services • Skilled nursing facilities • Outpatient care, like x-rays, labs, and tests (not custodial or long-term care) • Preventive services, like your yearly exam • Hospice care and some home health care Part D NOT COVERED Prescription Drugs If you need drug coverage, you may need to sign up for a separate prescription drug plan. Private companies provide this. Medicare Supplement Some people may choose to get a separate Medicare Supplement plan.
Option 2 – Medicare Advantage Also called Medicare Part C, these plans: • Come from private companies, like Devoted Health • Give you all the benefits of Original Medicare • May include prescription drug coverage • May offer dental, vision, hearing, and wellness benefits • Not the same as a Medicare Supplement plan You can get just one plan — and one card. Coverage from head to toe. That's why 26 million Medicare members already have a Medicare Advantage plan.* *Source: KFF, Medicare Advantage in 2021: Enrollment Update and Key Trends, June 2021
Medicare plan comparisons Vision Hearing Dental Prescription Drugs Fitness Medicare Supplement Prescription Drugs Parts A & B Parts A & B Parts A & B OPTION 1A OPTION 1B OPTION 2 Original Medicare Original Medicare Medicare Advantage +additional coverage
How Medicare Advantage works U.S. Government Medicare Funds Medicare Part A Medicare Part B (Hospital) (Medical) Medicare Advantage plans Federal government pays private insurance companies like Devoted Health to manage your Medicare benefits DOCTORS ADMINISTRATION HOSPITALS OTHER HEALTHCARE PHARMACIES PROVIDERS

HMO vs. PPO Which is right for you? What is an HMO? HMO stands for Health Maintenance Organization. Here's what happens when you join an HMO: • You’ll see a primary care provider (PCP) who will guide your care and refer you to specialists if needed • You’ll have access to in-network doctors and specialists • The cost of your care won't be covered if you see an out-of-network doctor, unless it’s an emergency • Many of our HMO plans don't require referrals to see specialists What is a PPO? PPO stands for Preferred Provider Organization. Here's what happens when you join a PPO: • You can see specialists without a referral • You can choose to see in-network or out-of-network doctors. But, with some of our PPO plans, you may pay more if you see out-of-network providers Always review your Summary of Benefits for your plan details

Ready to sign up? You can sign up for a Medicare Advantage plan if: and You have Medicare You live in the plan’s You qualify for Parts A and B service area an enrollment period

Devoted Health's Medicare Advantage plans
Why do members love our Medicare Advantage plans? The value, service, care, and convenience. Let us show you.
Our value No need to choose between low costs and more benefits — you can get both. Most plans include benefits like: • $0 plan premium • FREE gym membership, good at • FREE dental that covers dentures, crowns and root canals thousands of gyms • Money to spend on items like vitamins and toothpaste • FREE hearing and eye exams • Money to spend on eyeglasses and contacts • $0 copay for primary care visits • $0 copay for labs and tests • Prescription drugs starting at $0 Benefits, premiums, and cost sharing may vary by plan. Dental coverage limitations may apply.
Our service Our Member Service Guides are here for you every step of the way. They'll help you understand your benefits, answer plan questions, and a lot more. They’re always here to help.

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Our care We partner with trusted doctors and hospitals so you don’t have to settle when it comes to getting the right care. One team working together to get you the seamless care you deserve.

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Our convenience One plan — and one card — to get you head-to-toe coverage. Use it for everything from doctor visits and hospital stays to routine dental care, prescription drugs, and eyewear.

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Our exclusive provider network We partner with trusted doctors, hospitals, pharmacies, and other providers in your plan's network. Complete care from your health team When you have a health concern, your primary care provider (PCP) can help manage your care. If you need a specialist, your PCP will suggest one and take care of the referral for you. Not all plans require referrals. Don’t have a PCP? Visit to search for a doctor or see a list of in-network providers and pharmacies near you.
Our prescription drug coverage We have a few programs to help make sure the medications you take are safe and low-cost. Sometimes, we'll make an exception based on medical need. • Prior Authorization (PA): Sometimes, your provider has to check with us to make sure we cover certain prescriptions. This is just one way we make sure you get the right drug for you. • Step Therapy (ST): Before you can get certain medications, you may need to try one that costs less and has been proven to treat your condition. If the drug that costs less doesn’t help, then you can try the more expensive one. • Quantity Limits (QL): Sometimes we have limits on the amount of a drug that you get each time you fill your prescription. If you join a plan and are already taking a medication we don't cover, we'll cover up to a 30-day supply in the first 3 months.

You can find our plans in 13 states
What's next We’ll review: 1 Our Summary of Benefits, which looks at the services and costs 2 The prescription drugs we cover and their costs 3 Doctors, hospitals, and pharmacies in our network And, if you’re ready to sign up today, your agent can help you with the forms.

We're here to help you. 1-800-305-7972 TTY 711 7 days a week, 8am - 8pm Devoted Health and Devoted Medical Group are under common control or ownership and part of the Devoted Health, Inc. family of companies. Devoted Health accepts other providers. Dental coverage limitations may apply. Benefits and cost sharing may vary by plan. Devoted Health is an HMO and/or PPO plan with a Medicare contract. Our D-SNPs also have contracts with State Medicaid programs. Enrollment in our plans depends on contract renewal. Devoted Health complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex. ATENCIÓN: Si habla español, tiene a su disposición servicios gratuitos de asistencia lingüística. Llame al 1-800-701-9000 (TTY: 711). Y0142_24S294_M