See if you qualify for extra healthcare savings Did you know there are plans and products that could help you save even more money on your healthcare costs? It’s true! Here are 3 popular ones. Extra Help Chronic health conditions Extra Help is a government If you have a chronic condition program. It could help you pay less like diabetes, a chronic special for prescription drugs, prescription needs plan (C-SNP) could help you drug deductibles, and monthly plan save money on specialist visits, premiums (if your plan has one!). prescriptions, and more. Medicaid coverage Have Medicaid? You can sign up for Call to see if you qualify a dual Medicare and Medicaid plan and learn more (D-SNP). These plans often give 1-800-439-9528 TTY 711 you more extras than Medicare or Medicaid alone. 8 Questions? Call us. 1-800-439-9528 (TTY 711) 8

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