CODE SERVICE FREQUENCY BENEFIT DETAILS D2951 Pin used to retain a large Unlimited 1 procedure per tooth every 5 filling years, not covered when billed with D2950, D2952 or D2954 on the same day D2952 Custom-made post and Unlimited 1 buildup procedure code buildup filling that is (D2950, D2952, D2954) per usually fabricated by a tooth every 5 years, not covered dental lab, placed after a when a separate filling code is root canal to prepare the billed on the same tooth on the tooth for a cap (crown) same day D2953 Each additional custom- Unlimited 1 procedure per tooth every 5 made post years, only covered when the tooth receives D2952 on same day D2954 Pre-made post and buildup Unlimited 1 buildup procedure code filling that is not fabricated (D2950, D2952, D2954) per by a dental lab, placed tooth every 5 years, not covered after a root canal to when a separate filling code is prepare tooth for a cap billed on the same tooth on the (crown) same day D2980 Repair of a single crown Unlimited 1 procedure per tooth every 5 (i.e. chipped porcelain) years, covered only after 2 years with filling material from date of crown placement Root Canals D3310 Initial root canal on a front, Unlimited 1 initial root canal procedure D3320 middle or back tooth code (D3310, D3320, D3330) and D3330 1 retreat root canal procedure code (D3346, D3347, D3348) per tooth per lifetime D3346 Root canal retreatment Unlimited 1 initial root canal procedure D3347 (redo) on a front, middle or code (D3310, D3320, D3330) and D3348 back tooth 1 retreat root canal procedure code (D3346, D3347, D3348) per tooth per lifetime 5

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